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City Centre Walking Tours with Tauranga City Council

*This event has been changed to a presentation from TCC due to the weather*

Join Gareth Wallis, the General Manager: City Development and Partnerships for Tauranga City Council, for an amazing opportunity to explore the city's transformation firsthand!

Wednesday, 15th May
Morning Tour: 9:15am - 10:45am

Meet outside the iSite in Red Square
Limited to 20 people in each group

The City Centre Walking Tour has been developed to help you learn more about TCC's plans to get the heart of our city pumping, and see the various projects completed as well as those that are underway.


Take in the more practical aspects of our city centre transformation including the new Tunks Reserve lookout connecting Elizabeth Street East to the waterfront. Check out the railway underpass and picture a waterfront where people can easily connect with the water and sea life, play at the destination playground and relax on the new green reserve.

The tour finishes off at the jewel of our city centre crown, Te Manawataki o Te Papa, featuring a civic whare (public meeting house), museum, library, community hub and exhibition centre.

Good to know

All up the tour covers just over 2 km, including some steps, so please ditch the high heels for more sensible walking shoes. You may want to pack sunblock, a hat (or umbrella) and your water bottle. The tour meets outside the iSite in Red Square and finishes up at Baycourt, lasting approximately 1hr 30mins.

Stay for a Catch Up!

Following the morning tour, make sure you stick around for a coffee catch-up in the CBD (location TBC).


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