Tauranga Property Investors' Association

022 626 7302


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Discover Property Market Cycles with Kieran Trass


Join us for a Fun & Insightful Evening!

Kieran Trass, the founder of New Zealand’s ONLY Property Cycle specialist, TellMeTheTime, brings decades of experience as a property investor and mentor. His unique insights have helped many investors achieve success in the real estate market. Kieran’s expertise is backed by two decades of proven research and analysis, making him a trusted authority on property cycles.

The night will not only include an informative presentation from Kieran but also light refreshments and some boardgame fun!

We're encouraging all members to bring along a friend to this event, whether they're a seasoned property investor or simply curious about how the property market operates.

This could be your teenager eager to learn about investment, your neighbour considering property ventures, or your workmate intrigued by the market's dynamics.


What to Expect

Keynote Address: Kieran will share his views on the Property Market Cycles, including where Tauranga currently stands. Learn about the herd mentality, market trends, and how to make informed investment decisions.

Interactive Session: Kieran’s engaging talk will last approximately 1 hour, followed by a Q&A session. Bring your questions and get ready to dive deep into the world of property cycles.

Boardgame Fun: Stick around after the talk for a lively game of “Tell Me The Time”, Kieran’s own creation. Explore property cycles in a fun and educational way!


Why Attend?

  • Gain insights from a seasoned expert.
  • Understand the fundamentals of property cycles.
  • Network with fellow investors.
  • Have a blast playing “Tell Me The Time.”




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