Tauranga Property Investors' Association

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Tauranga City Council

Join us on Monday November 14 for those who are looking at intensification and new builds as part of their investment strategy. Unfortunately Williams Corporation are no longer able to attend the meeting.  We will however have a timely presentation from Janine Speedy Team Leader: City Planning at Tauranga City Council.

Janine leads the policy planning team and oversees the Tauranga City Plan at Tauranga City Council with extensive experience and knowledge working with Resource Management policy in New Zealand and Australia. Janine’s team are currently involved in intensification projects across Tauranga City to assist in addressing the current growth pressures, enable more housing choice to meet our changing demands and meet central government legislation through Plan Change 33 – Enabling Housing Supply. In the presentation, Janine will share how Council proposes to meet central government requirements and the challenges to deliver a more compact city, create liveable neighbourhoods and plan for infrastructure.

Doors open at 7pm for networking and the meeting kicks off at 7.30pm.

Registrations are required so please follow the below link to secure your seat;

Eventbrite - November Meeting Registration

Members - free

We look forward to seeing you there. smiley


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