?> Events :: Tauranga Property Investors' Association

Tauranga Property Investors' Association

022 626 7302


Up coming Events

Keeping you updated with up and coming events

Tauranga Property Investors' Association

  • Special Events

  • Monthly Meetings
    Meeting with Speakers. These are held at the Tauranga Bowling Club, Cameron Domain, and begin at 7.30pm
  • National Conference
    NZ Property Investors Federation's Annual Conference

Past Events by Year:

Christmas party
Special Events

Check in and come along, packed and ready, for our fun filled travel themed Christmas event at Classic Flyers hanger.
Cost is $30 per person for members and $60 for non members.
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Anne Tolley
Monthly Meetings

This months speaker is Anne Tolley, former National Party MP and current Chairwoman and commissioner at Tauranga City Council.
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Zoom meeting - Ross Barnett
Monthly Meetings

Due to COVID restrictions this months meeting will be on Zoom.
This month's speaker is Ross Barnett of Coombes Accountants, who specialises in property accounts and is also the Treasurer of the Waikato Property Investor Association.
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Tony Alexander
Monthly Meetings
13/09/21 - 6.30pm

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Todd Muller
Monthly Meetings
09/08/21 - 7pm for 7.30pm start

Meet with Bay of Plenty MP Todd Muller and share your concerns about government policy and its effects on property investors, those with large portfolios as well as one-property landlords. Todd will share Nationals views on capital gains tax, property management law and the policies National will implement or repeal around property investment and taxation when it forms the next government.
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An Idiots guide to Financial Freedom
Monthly Meetings
12/07/21 -

Debbie Van Den Broek from Rotorua Property Investors Association will explain why you do not need to be smart, rich, risky or clever to create your financial freedom with property investment. She will give us a personal and entertaining discussion into a blondes haphazard journey to property success that you could only improve upon.
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Monthly Meetings
14/06/21 - 7pm for 7.30 start

June's event will be our AGM. Guest speaker will be Nick Tuffley from the ASB.
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Sharon Cullick - NZPIF CEO
Special Events
26/05/21 - 6.30 for 7pm start

Sharon Cullwick from the NZPIF will present this special event which replaces the postponed April event. Sharon will talk about the changes within the NZPIF, recent legislation changes and the property investing industry.
Please note - this special event is for CURRENT MEMBERS ONLY. We apologise but no guests or door payments will be accepted.
Please also note the start time of 7pm with doors opening at 6.30pm.
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Monthly Meetings
10/05/21 - 7pm for 7.30 start

Steve Watson from MBIE Tenancy Compliance and Investigation Team will talk about their services.

Steve is the National Manager Compliance and Investigations and Information and Education for Housing and Tenancy Services. Steve has a 35 year career in law enforcement and regulation. He was previously a Police Officer, but his last 10 years have been spent with MBIE and its former agency the Department of Labour. His previous roles include Compliance Manager for Immigration New Zealand, National Operations Manager of the Labour Inspectorates and his current role. He was awarded an MBIE Chief Executive leadership Award in 2016 for his leadership the all of Government collaborative regulatory work in the Immigration and Employment fields for the Canterbury Rebuild. He is passionate about achieving goals through collective action and by breaking down silos. In 2021 he was given an MBIE award for his leadership of an Incident Management Team during the Level 4 lockdown of March/April 2020

Our guest evening sponsor will be Nathan Gill of Powers realty. Nathan is described by clients as someone who is available, reliable and professional, his easy-going nature matched with an aptitude to clearly communicate and comprehensively advise, results in outstanding outcomes for all involved in a property transaction.

We are having a special offer where the $75 joining fee will be waived for any new members joining on the night. Please take advantage of this offer by bringing along any family or friends who are interested in joining.
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NZPIF update
Monthly Meetings
12/04/21 - 7pm for 7.30 start

Unfortunately due to adverse weather Sharon cannot make it to Tauranga so we need to postpone this months event. We apologise for the late notice but this is outside our control.

Sharon Cullwick from the NZPIF will talk about the changes within the NZPIF, recent legislation changes and the property investing industry.

This months event is proudly sponsored by Nathan Gill of Powers Realty. Nathan is described by clients as someone who is available, reliable and professional, his easy-going nature matched with an aptitude to clearly communicate and comprehensively advise, results in outstanding outcomes for all involved in a property transaction.

SPECIAL PROMOTION - For all new members who join the TPIA before this meeting (12 April) we will waiver the one off $75 administration fee. The annual subscription will be $175 plus an extra $70 per annum if you choice to receive the New Zealand Property Investor magazine.
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Trust update
Monthly Meetings
08/03/21 - 7pm for 7.30 start

Harris Tate Lawyers will discuss the changes to the Trust Act and their implications.
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Scotney Williams
Monthly Meetings

Please join us for our first meeting of the new year with guest speaker Scotney Williams, L.L.B. Scotney, a renowned tenancy lawyer and principal of tenancy.co.nz, will be covering the recent major RTA changes, interpretations of the legal jargon, and practical dos and do nots with compliance.

The date of this meeting has changed to Monday 15 February as Waitangi day is being observed on 8 February.
All guests will incur a door charge of $40.
Given recent COVID19 restrictions we will be limiting the attendance to a maximum of 60 people to allow for physical distancing.
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Results: 1-12 of 12

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