Tauranga Property Investors' Association

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Archive: May 2016

Paul Kinley discusses Christchurch, property deals and much more

This presentation will cover: * The lighter side to the Christchurch earthquake, * Some of the recent Kinley's Property deals, * How to properly measure the gross floor area of your house and its surrounds, what are the contingencies and how do you value them ? * Which properties you should value yourself and which properties should you go-to a Quantity Surveyor? and finally: that Houses are cheap in New Zealand!! Paul has been a long time member of the Canterbury Property Investors Association -Including many years on the Committee and a stint as president Paul is primarily a property investor, a builder and a Quantity Surveyor. Over the last 10 years he has been running a successful building company whilst consulting for clients over their insurance settlement issues. He teaches part time in Construction estimating and Site Management. Most recently properly assessing replacement values for property has become a mainstay of his consulting business. Paul brings a lighter side to disasters, how it has affected his clients (mostly in a positive way) and how to mitigate (through proper insurance cover) disasters affecting other property investors.
09-05-2016 more >>

Lots going on

There have been a few changes lately and it'll take a while to get the manual updated. The downloads now let you preview who will be in the downloaded file - assumes "members" and not "membership" though We've launched an app for the members to use. Local Associations can have their own submenus - get in touch about that. On your dashboard you can see how many of your members are using the app. Events have had a lot of work done and you can now decide which fields are on the registration forms and in which order they are shown.
05-05-2016 more >>

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