Processing RegistrationsWhen you do a match on a registration that includes membership PIMMS will now create the payment and set up the cards. You'll be advised and given the opportunity to review the cards.20-07-2015 more >> Allow Local Admins to be emailed via PIMMSAt the moment under Pick Recipients we can't select the recipient based on the type of user they are in PIMMS but it would be helpful to.17-07-2015 more >> Minimum standards for rental propertiesThe Government has now introduced the expected Minimum Standards for Rental Properties legislative proposal.15-07-2015 more >> Commercial Property investmentsCommercial Building Investments. Venue will be at Washington Room, Armitage Hotel at corner of Willow and Brown Street.13-07-2015 more >> Updating the Sponsors on your websiteBy default everyone displays the NZPIF sponsors on their websites. If you want to change that - it's simple.12-07-2015 more >> Allow Local Admins to delete paymentsWhere payments have been entered incorrectly and the cards have not been issued Local Admins should be able to delete them.08-07-2015 more >> Review Registrations and how they link to membershipsWhen the member renews their membership the cards are not being created correctly. Check that the registration shows on the members view page.06-07-2015 more >> Pay now button at top of Event Registration Confirm pageUsers often don't scroll down the page to see that they need to go through and pay and therefore don't complete their registration03-07-2015 more >>
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