Tauranga Property Investors' Association

022 626 7302


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Recent updates

  • Protecting people from living in unhealthy homes
    A law, developed in the 1940s to protect people from living in unhealthy homes, could be used to require landlords to provide housing that is free from dampness, according to researchers from the University of Otago and Victoria University of Wellington.
    17-04-2015 more >>
  • Falls in homes reduced
    Falls in the home could be reduced by a quarter according to the results of a new study just published online in top international medical journal The Lancet.
    24-09-2014 more >>
  • World-first study proves low-cost home modifications prevent falls
    Falls in the home could be reduced by a quarter according to the results of a new study just published online in top international medical journal The Lancet.
    23-09-2014 more >>

  • Results: 1-3 of 3

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